what is DEFT !!
DEFT (acronym for Digital Evidence & Forensics Toolkit) is a
distribution made for Digital Forensics and Incident Response, with the
purpose of running live on systems without tampering or corrupting
devices (hard disks, pendrives, etc…) connected to the PC/Mac where the
boot process takes place.
The DEFT system is based on GNU Linux, it can run live (via DVDROM or USB pendrive) or run as a Virtual Appliance on VMware.
Besides all this, the DEFT staff is devoted to implementing and developing applications which are released to Digital and Mobile Forensics consultant company, Law Enforcement Officer and investigators.
DEFT is currently employed in several places and by several people such as:
Government Officers
Law Enforcement
Expert Witnesses
IT Auditors
DEFT is 100% made in Italy and it’s a project managed and maintained by the R&D office of Tesla Consulting srls.
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